Scoring and Supplemental Forms

The 4-page Prosody-Voice Screening Profile (PVSP) Scoring Form, which is included in and described in greater detail in the PVSP manual, provides space to record Identification information (p. 1), prosody-voice coding decisions (p. 3), and comments and recommendations (p. 4). Page 2 aggregates all exclusion codes and prosody-voice codes in one place. The 1-page PVSP Scoring Supplemental Sheet provides the prosody-voice coder an opportunity to record additional information on the sample type, coding time, the level of coding difficulty, and any other comments about the speech sample. For PEPPER users who enter PVSP data into the PepStore database, information from both of these forms can be entered as variables (as described in detail in PEPPER Guide 4).

The Scoring and Supplemental Forms can be found on the second page of the PVSP files after sorting the list by the “Name” column.